Hogwarts Leagacy: 3 Things The Game Doesn't Tell You Part-1

Hogwarts Legacy: 3 Things The Game Doesn't Tell You

Well, the definitive Harry Potter simulator has finally released. But not everything super obvious for you. There's stuff that you're going to have to figure out on your own, stuff you're going to have to find on your own, or watch the rest of this video. 

Learning Dark Arts

One of the big selling points pre released was that you can take a dark path and learn the dark arts, something only normally used by the bad guys. Eventually you get the chance to learn these sinister spells, but they're not part of the main story, and so it's possible to just miss them. Or if you're not interested in becoming a gray Jedi wizard, you can just choose not to learn them. Plug those ears and do the Jim Carrey gift. Ah, there it is. Good stuff. If you do want to take a trip on the dark side, play through any Sebastian Sallow side quest when they pop up. Like, they start appearing after the main story mission in the shadow of the estate, which you get around the midpoint of fall. After the quest, Sebastian eventually contacts you with a follow up called in the shadow of the bloodline. You complete that one, and you're on your way to learning the dark arts. Remember, the dark arts stuff is all side quests. It is not main quests. If Sebastian wants to do something as part of the main story, it probably has nothing to do with dark art spells. We give you the option to not learn the spell. That's not a bluff. You can pick the dialogue option where your character says, I don't want to learn that, and you don't learn it. So you can do these side quests and still walk out like a good and pure wizard boy. But if you're doing these quests to learn this stuff, pay attention, because your dialogue choices actually really matter. If you can make a save before any dialogue options come up, that's good. I would do that. And be careful how you respond. So there's no botanical consequences for using the dark side of the force as a pathway to many abilities some consider unnatural, but they're. There are actually some story repercussions, especially in Sebastian's quest line, so keep that in mind. If you want to role play a goody two shoes. You probably don't want to learn these spells. But if you want to be a huge, awesome badass, like if you want to play Harry Potter unleashed. 

Crafting healing potions

Hogwarts legacy is actually kind of surprisingly challenging on normal, like, the enemies can and will mess you up, and when the game starts, the money is pretty tight. So the fact that you're going to want to go through healing potions pretty quick, and the fact that you get missions and assignments where they're telling you to go spend money somewhere makes it quite convenient that you can actually craft your own healing potions. So the ingredients you need for healing potions are dittony leaves and hork lump juice. The Disney leaves are easy to get. You get the seeds form right at the start and you can grow them at any potting station orclump juice. Doesn't roll off the tongue quite as well. Nor is it as easy to come by. You primarily find it in caves, dungeons. You can probably find two or three in any given cave. But with how many potions you may be going through that's probably not enough to keep you stocked up. So if you really want to load up on Horclump juice let me tell you how to do it. There's a cave north of Hogwarts near the upper Hogs field. Fast travel point called Horklump Hollow. There's eleven pieces of Horclump in this relatively short dungeon. Certainly what we would consider a decent haul compared to most other dungeons. But if you wait around for three in game days, all the resources respawn. So you just run through the same cave again, get another eleven Horklumps. Also you can wait by opening up the map press and right stick down on R three for a PlayStation controller and you wait from day to night so you do six or seven times, resources are all back go get Hork lumped up so you max out the amount of potion and plant crafting stations. You can build in the room of requirement and. You'll max out on. Healing potions in no time flat. Well, sometime, but not the amount of time that it would take for you to earn money and buy them.


If money is your thing, there's a trick to making it much faster and it's called poaching. So you'll find that some parts of this game are pretty antipoaching, but if you want to make a bunch of money, sure you can get some gold from opening chess, you can sell gear, you'll occasionally get money from quests. It's not what I would call significant amounts of money that is reserved for these white chest things with a big eyeball on top. Once you have the Disillusionment spell super easy, you get 500 gold. Great stuff. That's way more than you get from pretty much any other activity in the game. But even though once you get the invisibility cloak and the Disillusionment spell, this is a nice little windfall of cash for you. They are finite. If you really want a nice consistent money making option, what you got to do is go full poacher. Okay. You eventually unlock the ability to rescue creatures in this game and they're the only truly farmable resource in the game. This game, yes. Is always going to keep telling you that poaching is bad and that you should rescue animal. 

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